Goldfish will inevitably come to your mind when you think of fish that start with G., But interestingly, there are many other fish with common names that start with the letter G.
Some are popular species in the wild, while others are kept in aquariums all over the world by hobbyists.
If you are searching for fish names that start with the letter G, this article holds the answers.
Check out our list of top 5 fish with common names that start with G and each of the other lists set out at the end of the page for more!
Our Top 5 Fish Names Beginning With Letter G
Giant Danio (Danio aequipinnatus)

It is a high-energy fish with flashing scales and stripes that run from its gills to its tail. There are many color variations of this fish, including an albino type.
These cyprinids are native to some fast-flowing rivers and streams in Asia. Some places where they are found include Northern Thailand, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and the West Coast of India.
Its usual size suits its name as it grows up to a maximum of 6 inches in the aquarium. But these small giants grow bigger in the wild. They are upper-level swimmers and should be kept as a group of no less than 6 or more.
Avoid keeping less than 6 at a time as this can lead to aggressive behavior towards tankmates and even themselves.
Golden Zebra Loach (Botia robusta)

This peaceful fish is native to the rivers in Myanmar, India. Candy Stripe Loach is another common name for this fish. Its maximum length is no more than 5 inches.
This catfish is a bottom dweller. As an omnivore, it feeds on invertebrates and plant matters in the water in the wild. But in aquariums, they will do well on live and frozen food like Bloodworms, Daphnia and Brine Shrimp. This catfish will also thrive well on plant matter like melon and cucumber.
Although it is a bottom dweller, this fish is not a prolific algae eater. It is notorious for having alternating stripes that run round their bodies vertically and the three pairs of small barbel on their mouth.
Giant Whiptail Catfish (Sturisoma aureum)

The Giant Whiptail cat is a species of armored catfish in the Loricariidae family. It is a freshwater fish native to Venezuela and Columbia.
A female whiptail catfish is usually fatter than a male of the same age. But it will not grow bristles along its cheeks like a male.
It is notorious for eating algae and is an excellent addition to the tank. This catfish is also a peaceful fish and, as such, should not be kept with aggressive fish. Its size at maturity is usually 11 inches.
It is a nocturnal fish that likes to spend time scavenging for food and exploring the tank during the night. The whiptail catfish love planted tanks with plants that provide a lot of cover from the lights.
Ghost Fish (Kryptopterus vitreolus)

Another common name for this transparent fish is the Glass catfish. The glass catfish is a fascinating fish species. It has a transparent body that shows its bones. This is perhaps one reason it is called a glassfish.
Another possible reason is the spooky sight of its bone. It looks almost like the ghost of a fish, hence the name Ghostfish. You can see their bones through their bodies; only their heads are nontransparent.
They do well in a community tank in groups of no less than 4 since they tend to be victims of aggressive fish species if kept alone in a community tank.
Giant Sea Bass (Stereolepis gigas)

Black Sea Bass and Giant Black Sea Bass are other common names for this fish. Although it is called a Sea Bass, it is not part of the Sea Bass family Serranidae. It is a wreckfish in the Polyprionidae family.
Giant Black Sea Bass is native to the North Pacific Ocean. It is a true giant, reaching 98.4 inches in length and weighing as much as 562 Lbs. It used to be a game fish until 1982, when conservation efforts began to take effect to protect the species.
It is a predatory fish, and its diet consists of plenty of smaller fish like Mackerel, White fish, Sandbass, etc. They also eat crustaceans.
List of Fish That Start With G
Many other fish start with the letter G. You can refer to the following list below to learn more about fish that begin with the letter G.
Freshwater Fish Beginning With G
- Gamitana (Colossoma macropomum)
- Ganges Shark (Glyphis gangeticus)
- Gar (Boulengerella lateristriga)
- Gar (Lepisosteus oculatus)
- Garbei Cory (Corydoras garbei)
- Garden Eel (Heteroconger hassi)
- Gertrude’s Blue-Eye (Pseudomugil gertrudae)
- Geryi Piranha (Serrasalmus geryi)
- Ghost Fish (Kryptopterus vitreolus)
- Ghost Knifefish (Apteronotus albifrons)
- Giant Australian Glassfish (Parambassis gulliveri)
- Giant Brochis (Brochis britskii)
- Giant Danio (Danio aequipinnatus)
- Giant Pacu (Colossoma macropomum)
- Giant Puffer (Tetraodon mbu)
- Giant Raphael (Megalodoras irwini)
- Giant Snakehead (Channa marulius)
- Giant Tanganyika Cichlid (Boulengerochromis microlepis)
- Giant Whiptail Catfish (Sturisoma aureum)
- Gila Trout (Oncorhynchus gilae)
- Gilded Catfish (Brachyplatystoma flavicans)
- Giraffe Catfish (Auchenoglanis occidentalis)
- Girardinus (Girardinus metallicus)
- Gizzard Shad (Dorosoma cepedianum)
- Glass Knifefish (Eigenmannia virescens)
- Glittering Pencilfish (Nannostomus nitidus)
- Glowlight Danio (Danio choprae)
- Glowlight Tetra (Hemigrammus erythrozonus)
- Goby (Gobiidae [Family])
- Goeldi’s Pimelodid (Brachyplatystoma goeldii)
- Gold Dust Molly (Poecilia sphenops)
- Gold Line Scissor Tail (Moenkhausia intermedia)
- Gold Piranha (Serrasalmus aureus)
- Golden Dojo (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)
- Golden Dwarf Cichlid (Nannacara anomala)
- Golden Gourami “Pseudo Albino” (Trichogaster trichopterus)
- Golden Julie (Julidochromis ornatus)
- Golden Loach (Sabanejewia aurata)
- Golden Mbuna (Melanochromis auratus)
- Golden Pheasant (Aphyosemion sjoestedti)
- Golden Shiner (Notemigonus crysoleucas)
- Golden Tetra (Hemigrammus rodwayi)
- Golden Trahira (Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus)
- Golden Trout (Oncorhynchus aguabonita)
- Golden Whiptail (Sturisoma aureum)
- Golden Zebra Loach (Botia robusta)
- Goldeye (Hiodon alosoides)
- Goldfish (Carassius auratus)
- Goldie River Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia goldiei)
- Gourami (Trichogaster lalius)
- Grant’s Peacock Cichlid (Aulonocara stuartgranti)
- Granulated Catfish (Pterodoras granulosus)
- Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella)
- Gray Loach (Triplophysa dorsalis)
- Gray Pike Cichlid (Crenicichla johanna)
- Grayling (Thymallus arcticus)
- Green Chromide (Etroplus suratensis)
- Green Cory (Corydoras aeneus)
- Green Discus (Symphysodon aequifasciatus)
- Green Lepturus (Buccochromis lepturus)
- Green Pufferfish (Tetraodon nigroviridis)
- Green Scat (Scatophagus argus)
- Green Severus (Heros serverus)
- Green Spotted Puffer (Dichotomyctere fluviatilis)
- Green Sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris)
- Green Swordtail (Xiphophorus hellerii)
- Green Terror (Aequidens rivulatus)
- Green Tiger Barb (Barbus schuberti)
- Green Tiger Loach (Botia hymenophysa)
- Grunter (Rhyncopelates oxyrhynchus)
- Gudgeon (Giuris margaritacea)
- Guenther’s Cichlid (Chromidotilapia guentheri guentheri)
- Guinean Bichir (Polypterus ansorgii)
- Gulio Catfish (Mystus gulio)
- Gulper (Eurypharynx pelecanoides)
- Gurnard (Chelidonichthys spinosus)
- Guyana Slopehead Catfish (Ageneiosus brevifilis)
Saltwater Fish Beginning With G
- Galjoen Fish (Dichistius capensis)
- Garibaldi (Hypsypops rubicundus)
- Ghost Flathead (Hoplichthyidae [Family])
- Ghost Pipefish (Solenostomus paradoxus)
- Ghost Shark (Hydrolagus colliei)
- Ghoul (Inimicus didactylus)
- Giant Sea Bass (Stereolepis gigas)
- Gibberfish (Gibberichthys pumilus)
- Glassfish (Parambassis ranga)
- Goatfish (Upeneus davidaromi)
- Goblin Shark (Mitsukurina owstoni)
- Goby (Gobiidae [Family])
- Gombessa (Latimeria chalumnae)
- Goosefish (Lophius piscatorius)
- Gopher Rockfish (Sebastes carnatus)
- Graveldiver (Scytalina cerdale)
- Gray Mullet (Mugil cephalus)
- Gray Reef Shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos)
- Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias)
- Greeneye (Chlorophthalmus agassizi)
- Greenling (Ophiodon elongatus)
- Grenadier (Coryphaenoides leptolepis)
- Ground shark (Carcharhinus isodon)
- Grouper (Epinephelus malabaricus)
- Grunion (Leuresthes tenuis)
- Grunt Sculpin (Rhamphocottus richardsonii)
- Guitarfish (Pseudobatos productus)
- Gulf Menhaden (Brevoortia patronus)
- Gunnel (Pholis laeta)